Founder of HomeoValley
Prometheus-like, thy flame so bright. Has brought to us a ray to light From Hahnemann’s shining path, so fond
It blazes wondrous realms beyond Health, for poor groping human-kind, A paradise on earth will find.
Dead? No! Thy living law, its seeds will sow That good, diffused, may more abundant grow.
“To restore and preserve the sick to health”.
Modern times come with their Gifts & their Ghosts. While we cherish the former one can’t be dismissive
of the latter.
If left untreated can magnify into a life-threatening condition.
Thankfully, help is at hand
HOMOEOPATHY has the solution!
About Homeopathy:
Homoeopathy, is ever capable of development, while the principles remain the same. Homoeopathy is founded upon principles that are again founded upon natural laws.
Homoeopathy accentuates the study of the action of drugs upon Healthy human beings with little consideration of their action on the lower animals, for homoeopathy recognizes that it is only through a
Knowledge of their action upon man.
That we can obtain a correct perception of that applicability in disease.